Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jesus portrayed as a transvestite in controversial new take on The Last Supper
Armed cops guard picture 

 JESUS is portrayed as a TRANSVESTITE surrounded by gay, lesbian and transexual disciples in this controversial new version of The Last Supper.
It shows Christ in a dress, wearing high heels, flanked by apostles in kinky S&M gear and lingerie.
This alternative take on Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece has caused such controversy armed guards have been drafted in to keep watch on it amid threats of a protest.

The piece - created by Swedish artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin - has just gone on display at an art exhibition in Belgrade, Serbia.
The Ecce Homo exhibition opened surrounded by 2,000 police after reports protesters planned to gather outside.
. May God forgive them

The original painting by Leonardo Da Vinci

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