Thursday, October 11, 2012

Horror In Brazil- As Woman Slice Pregnant Mum Open to Steal Her Baby 

 Horror ... Daiana dos Santos, who lured Odete into her house before launching her sick attack

A mother who had her unborn child stolen from inside her womb has been reunited with her baby.
Odete Barreto, 22, was 37 weeks pregnant when Daiana dos Santos, 21, lured her into her house with the promise of free baby clothes.
But once inside, Santos knocked her out by hitting her over the head with a wooden chopping board then proceeded to slice open her belly with razor blade and remove the baby.

 Victim ... the ID card for Odete Barreto

Leaving the mother for dead, Santos took the baby into the street, claiming it was hers.
Shocked neighbours ran inside and found Odete in a pool of blood and frantically called emergency services.

 The chopping board used to knock Odete into unconsciousness

She and the baby were rushed to hospital and stayed for 15 days in intensive care in Manaus, Brazil.
Police say Santos became desperate after being told last month that she wasn’t pregnant as she had believed.
She met her victim Odete at the same health clinic where she had been given the bad news and convinced her to come back to her house.

Odete and her baby were taken to the hospital, Maternidade Ana Braga

 Police chief Adriano Feliz said: “Doctors told her that she wasn’t pregnant but that her bump was actually a myoma.
She became hysterical, wanting to get a child any way she could.
“She was terrified that her husband would leave her when he discovered she wasn’t expecting after all.”
Ms Barreto saw her baby for the first time yesterday when both were released from hospital.
Santos is in isolation in Manaus’ Anisio Jobin women’s prison charged with attempted murder.

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